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Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

See the Awesomeness Eruption of Mount Merapi

Merapi comes from two words "Meru" which means mountain, and "fire" which means the volcano. Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The eruption that occurred in 2006 along with a terrible earthquake.
In 1998, the mountain was once the smoke belching trash wedhus human skin that can blister. The form of heat and dust clouds with a temperature of 3000 º C, which erupted to a height of 3000 meters from the peak. In 1994 the hot cloud has killed 66 people on the slopes southwest. The last eruption in 2010 is very terrible to have destroyed many villages including the village of Kinahrejo even Interpreter Lock Merapi Mbah Marijan also become victims.
Because his name is very famous Mount Merapi is one idol of the climbers. Exhausting and winding journey across the steep hills is a challenge that must be conquered. Labuhan Merapi ceremonial tradition of Yogyakarta Palace also add to the appeal of Mount Merapi in the eyes of local hikers and climbers overseas.
So, do not be surprised if the mountain is always visited by climbers. Mount Merapi may climb from the South (Ground) Sleman, Yogyakarta or from the North (Selo) Boyolali territory or the territory west of Magelang.
Through the Ground

The line was long can not be bypassed because of the cold lava material at the peak of Merapi. From the city of Yogya drove to Ground, an area of ​​cool temperate mountain with an altitude of 1300m. Followed by a trip to the Village Kimahrejo. To reach the summit takes about 6 hours. Approaching the peak of Merapi we must be careful, because often the stones falling from the top.
Through Selo
To reach the peak of Merapi, the climbers are required to pass through the north path. In addition to secure, nor so far away compared to the other lane. The path starts from the District Selo, Boyolali.
To get to this area is pretty easy. You can take a bus majors Semarang - Solo and down in Boyolali. From the terminal Boyolali little walk to the Market Beef Boyolali.
From here you can continue by bus majors Boyolali - Cepogo - Selo. From Selo or rather from Hamlet Plalangan, you can begin the journey.
With a walk through an asphalt road to the base camp in the hamlet Plalangan climb Merapi, Lencoh village, subdistrict Selo, Boyolali district.
With a distance of approximately 1 km from the highway Boyolali, Magelang, coupled with the uphill road enough to be a warm up before climbing into Gn.Merapi.
To the top, it only takes about 6 hours to descend, while it takes about 4 hours. Because the latency is quite short, the journey can begin at around 24.00, so that we can arrive Puncak Garuda clearly enjoy the sunrise. Climbers can rest at base camp that can accommodate about 50 people climbers. Here is a place to sleep rame-rame. Prepare water supplies during the trip because we are not going to see spring.
From our base camp via a paved road runs to the end of the asphalt road and will find homes joglo Pos1. Through the path to the left of this building will journey through a lot of people planted gardens tobacco and cabbage. Path slightly uphill, but a lot of gravel so it needs to be careful not to slip.
Half way to the Post 2 of garden inhabitants, the other half we started to enter the rugged pine forests. This path is the form of land but a lot of gravel so it is quite difficult journey. Approaching the second post we start to miss the big rocks.
From Post 2 is in the daytime we can already see Gn. Slamet behind Gn.Sumbing, and also Gn.Sundoro. Merbabu looked closer and it is very obvious-lane track. Lawu of the distance to the east appear elongated.
From Heading 2 to Heading 3 will be many paths through the rocks of the steep, high winds began to seem very disturbing. Use a thick jacket, gloves, and masks, because the chill wind. If you want to rest a stone look for cracks that can protect us from the gusts of wind. At night we could see the glitter of the city of Boyolali.
From the third to the Market Heading Bubrah, we will be faced with steep rocks. Here hikers have to walk and crawl in some places steep. Gusts of wind are felt, as if to forbid the climbers to approach this peak of Merapi.
In this Bubrah Market there is a valley with a scattering of rocks that resembles a very large traditional market. That said, the people considered that market as the market lelembut.

From Market Bubrah desperate climbers who can climb to the summit of Garuda. This peak has been damaged and landslides so it is very dangerous to make the climb. In addition to very steep and prone to landslides are also strong winds blowing constantly.
From the top of Garuda, you can see the stunning views, where the Merapi crater in front of the eyes incessantly smoke. There are also, in the north, Merbabu challenging to conquer. Across the West and East, and Mount Lawu Sindoro-cleft like humps green. If the weather is sunny, the scenery is more fun again, because you could see the town of Magelang and Boyolali. At the peak temperature may reach 5 degrees to -8 degrees.
Mount Merapi is believed to be the palace of spirits. Panembahan Senopati founder of the Mataram kingdom gained the victory in the war against the kingdom with the help of the ruler Pajang Merapi. Mount Merapi erupts, killing an army Pajang, the rest fled helter-skelter of fear. Residents believe that Mount Merapi, but inhabited by humans also inhabited by other creatures creature they call the nation alus or spirits.

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