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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Mount Tambora, on the history of the terrible and wonderful crater

Awe, spectacular and amazing at once proud and happy. Feelings that occurred to me while standing in a giant crater rim of Mount Tambora, a mountain eruptions have rocked the world nearly two centuries ago. Viewing diameter crater many miles feet in length and depth that reaches more than 1 km will surely make your admiration to the creator, God Almighty
Mount Tambora erupted in 1815 with very violently, killing 92,000 people. Because kedasyatannya until recorded in the history of the world. The greatness of the eruptions was recorded about 6 million times the power of the atomic bomb. This mountain has a diameter of about 60 km at altitudes of sea level. In 1815 an estimated height of this mountain about 4,000 meters.

The eruption of the mighty and terrible has formed a crater with a width of about 6 km, and with a depth of 1110 meters. Deploy about 150 km3 of dust, until it reaches a distance 1,300 km. Central Java and Kalimantan in the distance about 900 km from the eruption, falling 1 cm thick dust. Chunks of the eruption of floated until it reaches the height of 44 km.

The eruption in 1815 has caused the year without a summer, minimum temperatures each day are unnatural to be low in the northern hemisphere from late spring to early autumn. Widespread famine due to crop failure. Mount Tambora area reminiscent of the African grasslands. Along the coast Kerobih a rock that looks very beautiful to have a natural relief. The southern section of Mount Tambora is hilly with the background scenery is very beautiful.

To climb Mount Tambora you should report to and permission to Pancasila village chief or to the local residents association of nature lovers, K-PATA. The place is you can get as much information about the route before making the ascent of Mount Tambora. If you need a guide, you can use the power of K-PATA members that have been adequately trained and familiar terrain of Mount Tambora well.

After leaving the village of Pancasila, the way you are going through a fairly wide path that can be passed by four-wheel vehicles. On the left-right along the way, your path to the Forest of the Village Door Pancasila is an area of ​​coffee plantations. Other attractions which you will pass early in the journey is a complex of Hindu worship, Temple. In the complex of worship are equipped with public toilets and a few simple rooms as a place of Hindus who want to worship.

To arrive at the door of the Forest of Pancasila Village takes about two hours. Therefore I decided to use a motor ogek, quite able to shorten the time more quickly and of course power. Approximately only takes about 30 minutes. In the forest around the door you'll see some fruit of the coffee plantation buildings managers.

Then after the door Forest, you will traverse a path wide enough, and occasionally climb ramps. According to information I received, was once a former street car transporter timber harvested in forests Tambora. Along the way the path looks more overgrown bushes and weeds. But looks are also remnants of plantation timber harvesting has begun to re-green. Just be advised companies that operate concessions in place has been closed since 4 years ago. Tambora forest areas that were once broken open and now little by sedkit started booming again. Until finally after taking about 1 hour journey, you will arrive at the Post 1. In this place you can rest for a moment. Water sources are approximately 10 meters on the left side of the trail is in the form of water flow from the pipe pralon are accommodated in a plastic drum which is also a source of water the villagers at the foot of Mount Tambora.

On the way to the next post, climbing terrain character is not much different than before is still gentle, occasionally climbed with considerable undergrowth vegetation moist. However, when crossing this path you must be vigilant, because the population of leeches are pretty much ready to spy on you. Then you also have to be careful so that the tree through the forest is quite big because in some places looks like a branching path. And after traveling about two hours from the previous post you'll find a simple hut made of wood and zinc roof. That means you've arrived at Post 2. As in Heading 1, here too there are adequate water resources is a small river that is located not far from the post.


To get to the next post, from post 2 lanes pendakin down toward the creek. After crossing the path uphill and quite steep and sloping back to the forest vegetation is moist enough. If lucky, you can also find pheasant along this path. You will continue along the path which is quite varied, and occasionally climb ramps and must traverse several trees uprooted. Until about a half hour drive you will go through areas overgrown weeds and crops that means Heading 3 is not far away. In this place there is also such a simple cottage-walled houses on stilts and half a tin roof. Surrounding area is quite flat and wide can accommodate about 15 tents with a capacity of 3-4 people. Here there is also a source of clean water that is located approximately 250 meters from the post. That is why the post is normally used as the last post or a place to sleep before continuing the ascent to the crater rim or the top of Mount Tambora in the morning the next day. Ascent to the summit usually performed starting at 1:30 or early morning, as I do. For the climbers to the summit is usually only brought supplies light-light only while others are left in the post.

Summit Attack / to the Top
The trip to the Post 4 after the previous post, you will see one of the uniqueness of the forest vegetation of Mount Tambora nettle leaves pulus. Plants are full of leaves and stems covered with soft spines that will make your skin feel itchy and hot when touched. To avoid use clothes that cover your body. Forests are a lot of nettles growing along the route between the Pos 3 Pos 4 that can be taken approximately 30 minutes. Their area flat enough to be among the pine forest. On the way to the next post that can also be completed in about 30 minutes, nettle forest has begun to diminish and replaced by weeds and vegetation of small trees. In some places their area more open. When the weather is sunny in the west you can see a view of Mount Rinjani, Moyo Island and Island Satonda. Areas in the Post 5 is quite sheltered from the wind because the trees are mengelilingina. Here also there is a simple cottage.

Then the ascent to the crater rim or summit resumed. The closer the peak zone vegetation changed slowly from the trees into the type of plant shrubs and bushes. The hiking trail that ascends a winding circular path followed the ridge a few hills that seemed longer. However, the beautiful scenery and stunning already you can see along this route. Seem distant peak of Mount Tambora brown and barren. While in the West looks the ocean with islands that surround the island of Sumbawa. Comes in the morning crowing sound bersahut partridge-replication. Getting closer to the crater rim trail that traversed the sandy and rocky. After crossing the last bunch of pine trees, you will arrive at the sandy terrain and the mean area of ​​the crater rim is getting closer. Until eventually you will see a phenomenal and spectacular scenery. A sprawling giant crater in front of you.

Tambora huge crater
Looking up at the giant crater of Tambora, I try to imagine where the top of Mount Tambora in prior to the eruption at the time. Also proved difficult to imagine. Feelings of awe and terrible, that's what comes to mind when I stood on the broad plains of the giant crater this. Edelweis groves that grow in between the layers of the crater plains to give my own uniqueness. To be sure the crater is truly remarkable. Deep bottom of the crater Tambora seen vast inland areas. Interestingly, the most bottom of the crater can be seen grass grow. A small volcano in the middle of the crater increased the exotic and the spectacular crater of Tambora. In the language of the Milky volcano called Doro Afi Toi, which means a small volcano. Landscape walls towering crater is also quite stunning. Layers of the walls show how powerful the explosion was. Morning sun rises in the east view of the crater made increasingly mysterious. "The view of the crater and the peak jelatangnya spectacular and unique forests ...!," Said Connie, an employee of one of the largest banks in Indonesia, which also has a hobby of mountain climbing when polled about Mount Tambora.

According to historical records, the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora eruption is the largest since the eruption of Lake Toba. The explosion itself has entered seven Volcanic Explosivity scale. According to the literature of this eruption sound audible to the island of Sumatra (over 2,000 km). Abu vulkaniknya spreads and falls in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and Maluku. The number of casualties incurred are also quite a lot of reaching more than 92,000 inhabitants. Most of the victims was a resident of the island of Sumbawa and Lombok Island. Even the three kingdoms of the 6 kingdoms that stood at that time also destroyed. Three kingdom is the kingdom of Tambora Centre, Royal Kingdom of Concentrated and leaving the studio that now has a history of human civilization called Tambora Site. An archaeologist from the United States, Prof.. Sigurdsson Haroldur together with the directorate of volcanology Indonesia between July and s / d in August 2004 had found evidence of a lost culture destroyed by the eruption of Mount Tambora. He also mentions the remains of the evidence of history and culture that has succeeded in finding it as the "Pompeii of the East".

As a result of volcanic eruptions has even led to global climate change. One year later (1816) in North America and continental Europe, there has been a drastic climate change. In that year there has been a prolonged winter. Where the world knew him as the "Year Without a Summer" or Year Without Summer. Resulting in crop failures and massive livestock deaths in the northern hemisphere so menimblkan worst famine that occurred in the 19th century.

A hill that looks sharp, barren brown stood firm on the west side of the crater. Hill is also known as "Doro Meleme" - the pointy mountain - that is what is now the highest peak after the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815. To reach the highest peak, from the lip of the crater you still have to walk again with travel time about 25 minutes. What you need to watch out for is when approaching the summit. If you do not want to fell or slipped you must proceed cautiously because of climbing terrain covered with sand and gravel

On top of this you can find a triangulation - the height marker peg - made of cement to about half a meter. From here in addition to views of the crater, it looks too far to the west peak of Mount Rinjani and of course the open sea. It was an incredible sight.

For I or perhaps anyone who has and can see the giant crater of Mount Tambora would be pleased, happy and proud to be on top of a peak and saw firsthand the spectacular mountains that have been recorded in the history of the world. Mount the eruptions have rocked the world and also change the world civilization. Not much it seems that if one day serve as the Mount Tambora world heritage and tourist destinations or historical mountain mountaineering history.

Travel Tips
To get to Pancasila Village you can use either transport from Bima Town and City Dompu, Sumbawa Island. From Mataram to reach the village from the terminal Bertais, Mataram, you can use the bus majors Mataram - Calabai rate Rp. 125 thousand. This bus route is only one fruit a day and leave every morning around nine o'clock. Buses will arrive the next day at around 6 am Calabai. Then from the Sunday Market, Calabai, you can continue the journey back by using the motor at a rate OJEG between Rp. 25 thousand to Rp. 30 thousand. It would be nice if you go with the group, because usually bus drivers do not mind if asked to take up the village of Pancasila and certainly with little added cost of transport.

Alternatively the terminal Bertais, Mataram, you can also use an AC bus majors Mataram - Dompu with rates ranging from Rp. 125 thousand s / d Rp. 145 thousand (update, October 2008). The buses depart twice a day only the morning at 08.00 AM and the afternoon at 14.00 pm. Then the bus will usually arrive at the terminal Ginte, Dompu, 12 hours later. Likewise, if you depart from the town of Bima, you can use the bus to the town of Dompu in advance. Then from the terminal Ginte, Dompu, you can change vehicles to use bus Dompu majors - Calabai. Buses depart every day only twice that morning at 06.00 AM and the afternoon at 14.00 pm.
For accommodations hikers can stay at home the local village chief or local nature lovers association chairman, Mr Syaiful. The house also serve as the headquarters of a group of nature lovers, K-PATA, is the starting point of your ascent. Here you will also find the latest information about Mount Tambora as well as a guide if needed. However, if your first time going to climb Mount Tambora is recommended to use the help of a guide because in some there are several branching paths that may be confusing, a former logging track.

Nopember 2008
Harley B. Sastha


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