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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Real Adventure In Mount Raung

Tempting The Ascent Challenge Field Climber To Try it out. And the beauty of the Panorama Ultimate Nature Of Top Is Truly Valuable Gifts For The Climber After Trek Through The Weight

Raung is part of the mountain Ijen group consisting of several mountains, including Mount Suket (2.950mdpl), Raung (3.332mdpl), GunungPendil (2338), Mount Chain (2664), Mount Merapi (2800), Mount crushed (2092 ), and Ijen crater.
Raung is a great mountain and unique, different from the characteristics of the mountain on the island of Java umumnva this. The uniqueness of the summit of Mount roar is kalderanya the elliptical with a depth of about 500 feet deep, which is always smoky and often spouted fire and there are approximately 100m-high cone. Raung including an old mountain with a caldera at its peak and surrounded by many small peaks, making the scenery is absolutely amazing.
To climb Mt roar, the easiest is from the direction of Bondowoso. From Bondowoso continue to the village by using the Colt Resources Wringin through Sukosani. The journey begins from the village Sources Wringin through pine plantations and coffee plantations into Cottage Motor. Cottage Motor we can stay and rest, then we can move on to the summit which takes about 9 hours.
From cottage to Raung Motor, starting with the garden for 1 hour and then climbing into the woods with climbing angle is not too big that is about 20 degrees. These mountain forests consist of trees glentongan, arcisak, takir and others.
After climbing for 2 hours or about 1300 to 1400 m climbers will find a winding road and ride down to an altitude of about 1500 to 1600 m. In this area starts to look fir tree then forwarded to the hut ascent wells (1750 AD). after that pendakain will start hard and angle of ascent began to swell and the route is less clear because only a bush and then continue to climb for 3 hours to reach Pondok Demit.
Then the climber must climb for about 8 hours to reach the forest boundary, known as Pondok Mantri or Parasan at an altitude of about 2900-3000 m. this is where the climb to camp to rest. The journey continues through the grasslands (about 1 hour drive), then to the summit of Mount roar a little sandy and rocky. From the campground to the summit of Mount roar, only takes about 2 (two) hours.
Raung peak is located at an altitude of 3332 m above sea level and often blowing winds. From the edge of the crater there is no clear path to get to the bottom of the crater so that climbers who intend to prepare the crater down the ropes or other equipment to as a security measure. On the way to the summit of Mount roar, no springs. Better to be prepared in water or in Sources Sources Wringin Lekan. To climb Raung special permit is not required, just that we need to report to the village authorities in the Source Wringin.
Awesomeness Raung already seen from the names of the existing postal hike, starting from the Well Cottage, Demit Pondok, Pondok Pondok deceased and wind. All that has its own history until so named. Wells cottage for example, he said there is a well used a magic hermit from Gresik. The well and the ascetics believed still there, just invisible. In these wells cottage, while camping, as well as the sound of hooves that seemed to pass behind the tent.
Next Pondok Demit, this is where the activity of buying and selling the lelembut or known Parset (Market Satan). So, on certain days will be heard the crowd the market that often accompanied with music. Location vicious market is located on the east side line, a shallow valley which is only filled with tall weeds and trees shrubs stomach. Cottage deceased is heading the most horrific history, because once found a corpse hanging from a tree. The corpse was a Dutch nobleman who was killed by fighters at the time.
Not far from the deceased Pondok, Pondok Wind is also a past lodge or base camp hikers. This place provides spectacular views because it is situated on a hilltop, so we can see the mountain scenery around it. Situbondo Bondowoso and glitter of the city as well as a bolt of lightning when the city was overcast, a natural phenomenon that is extraordinary. However, the wind was blowing hard and like maraung wailing in the hearing. Because of this mountain called roar, wind noise roaring in the ears can sometimes threw us grounded a steep ravine.

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