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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

6 Hikers Favorite Camp Indonesia

In mountain climbing activities, prior to attack or seeked summit to the summit, the climbers will usually rest on a specific area by opening the hood. Its main function is to restore depleted energy, so that when melakukanpendakian to the top, power does not drop immediately. Usually in the mountains - mountain camp there for a rest area not far from the limit of forest vegetation.

And here are six Camp Area favorite. Is a matter of course on your favorite flavors, each - each climber has a view that is not always the same.

1. Suryakencana square (2,750 M asl)

This is a favorite spot Gie Soe Hoek, if you plan to climb to the Gede Pangrango, do not forget to enter the Square Suryakencana into the plan where you will camp. Because as far as the eye could see you going in suguhkan hamparanbunga Edelweis a calm eye.

2. Intersection Pestan (2437 M above sea level)

Market Pestan stands Satan. This place is in keramatkan by locals and climbers course. When he was here forbidden to complain because it will only lead to a drop physically. Pestan is recommended to place before you make a summit camp attack. Because after pestan, the path continues uphill terrain you are going through.

3. Bubrah Market (2490 M above sea level)

A flat place to camp last climber to climb Mount Merapi. The market was once a crater Bubrah hundreds of years ago who had died.

4. Deer Valley (2,300 M asl) 

Antelope valley is one of the fields contained in the path via Tretes Arjuno mountaineering. Here lies the fountain like a small waterfall and a very strategic place for camping / overnight stay before you do kegiatansummit attack.

This place is actually quite close to the post about cottage - about 20 minutes walk. The scenery is quite impressive to see such a vast prairie savannahs punctuated by pine trees.

5. Kalimati (2669 M above sea level)

Before performing the summit attack, usually someone who climbed Mount Semeru will decide on setting up his tent in Arcopodo or in Kalimati. Both places have their advantages - each. In Arcopodo least we can be closer to the peak, but the view area of ​​the field we only get if we ngecamp in Kalimati. Just like tipikalSuryakencana, Kalimati Sabana is dominated by desert. In this place we can see the majestic peaks of the hose Mahameru wedus gembelnya spend some time.

6. Pelawangan Sembalun (2639 M above sea level)

Pelawangan Sembalun the last camp area before deciding to attack the Rinjani summit. In this place you can see the beauty of Segara Anak and the top of Rinjani with its climb path is clearly visible. Are suggested, not to set up tents in the open, because at night the wind is blowing quite large.
source BelantaraIndonesia

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