Son Mbah Maridjan, Asih (44) was selected as the caretaker of Mount Merapi, succeeding his father who died when the big eruption of Merapi last October 26, 2010. Through the process permati or selection, which holds Asih Mas Anom Suraksosihono jacks selected from nine courtiers caretaker of Mount Merapi.
Announcement of the election Mas Bekel Anom Suraksosihono or Asih delivered Gusti Bendoro Prince Haryo (GBPH) Joyokusumo, Penghageng Kawedanan Hageng Panitraputra Sultan Palace, Sunday (04/03/2011) at Ndalem Joyokusuman 5, Jalan Rotowijayan, Yogyakarta.
"After all the courtiers and anyone pengirit caretaker will be community leaders who need to be prepared and organized so that local communities can become a role model with a decent and right," said Joyokusumo.
Gatekeeper of the selection process takes place in several stages of Merapi. First, the selection team was formed according to a letter dhawuh ayahan Dalem (Warrant lane X) 07/KHPP/ML-II/BE.1944.2011 number dated February 9, 2011 about the selection process of candidates for caretaker of Mount Merapi. Initial selection team consisted of nine kanca Abdi Dalem Yogyakarta Palace Regent carpenter who later divided into four groups, covering the fields of religion, culture, kekratonan and society.
Coordinate with government
Dated February 22, 2011 held a meeting with the Head of Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) and the responsible officials with the Mount Merapi. Agreed, that pengirit Abdi Dalem caretaker of Mount Merapi will be coordinated with the district of Sleman, BPPTK, Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, and caretaker of Mount Merapi, the field of culture.
Subsequently, on March 5, 2011 from 09.00 to 13.00 in the selection held Ndalem Joyokusuman, Jalan Rotowijayan 5, Yogyakarta. The team consists of selection, GBPH Joyokusumo, Kanjeng Prince Haryo (KPH) Wironegoro, Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Gondohadiningrat, and KRT Condropurnomo.
After receiving and studying the report, Ngerso Dalem Samyean Ingkang Sinuwun Dalem (lane X) is finally determined that the caretaker of Mount Merapi is Mas Anom Suraksosihono jacks. "Mas Anom Suraksosihono jacks also rose to the rank of headman called Mas Lurah Suraksosihono and will graduate on Monday (04/04/2011) at Ndalem Ward Kasatriyan Ngayogyakarta palace," he added.
No commercial
In the same occasion, Joyokusumo also reminded the new caretaker, Asih to harbor the usual ceremonies held on the slopes of Mount Merapi not be the event of commercialization. Because, Labuhan is ceremonial.
"Please remember very well, do not let it happen again shows a vehicle palace promotion or commercialization. It became courtiers not sufficient for life, because it provides an opportunity for the palace courtiers to be able to work in anything else, "said Joyokusumo.
Meanwhile, responding to establishing itself as the gatekeeper of Merapi, Asih ready berkoordonasi BPPTK associated with the government and public security from the threat of eruption of Merapi. He is also prepared to use modern technology for disaster mitigation needs of Merapi.
Sources: Kompas.Com
"After all the courtiers and anyone pengirit caretaker will be community leaders who need to be prepared and organized so that local communities can become a role model with a decent and right," said Joyokusumo.
Gatekeeper of the selection process takes place in several stages of Merapi. First, the selection team was formed according to a letter dhawuh ayahan Dalem (Warrant lane X) 07/KHPP/ML-II/BE.1944.2011 number dated February 9, 2011 about the selection process of candidates for caretaker of Mount Merapi. Initial selection team consisted of nine kanca Abdi Dalem Yogyakarta Palace Regent carpenter who later divided into four groups, covering the fields of religion, culture, kekratonan and society.
Coordinate with government
Dated February 22, 2011 held a meeting with the Head of Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) and the responsible officials with the Mount Merapi. Agreed, that pengirit Abdi Dalem caretaker of Mount Merapi will be coordinated with the district of Sleman, BPPTK, Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, and caretaker of Mount Merapi, the field of culture.
Subsequently, on March 5, 2011 from 09.00 to 13.00 in the selection held Ndalem Joyokusuman, Jalan Rotowijayan 5, Yogyakarta. The team consists of selection, GBPH Joyokusumo, Kanjeng Prince Haryo (KPH) Wironegoro, Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Gondohadiningrat, and KRT Condropurnomo.
After receiving and studying the report, Ngerso Dalem Samyean Ingkang Sinuwun Dalem (lane X) is finally determined that the caretaker of Mount Merapi is Mas Anom Suraksosihono jacks. "Mas Anom Suraksosihono jacks also rose to the rank of headman called Mas Lurah Suraksosihono and will graduate on Monday (04/04/2011) at Ndalem Ward Kasatriyan Ngayogyakarta palace," he added.
No commercial
In the same occasion, Joyokusumo also reminded the new caretaker, Asih to harbor the usual ceremonies held on the slopes of Mount Merapi not be the event of commercialization. Because, Labuhan is ceremonial.
"Please remember very well, do not let it happen again shows a vehicle palace promotion or commercialization. It became courtiers not sufficient for life, because it provides an opportunity for the palace courtiers to be able to work in anything else, "said Joyokusumo.
Meanwhile, responding to establishing itself as the gatekeeper of Merapi, Asih ready berkoordonasi BPPTK associated with the government and public security from the threat of eruption of Merapi. He is also prepared to use modern technology for disaster mitigation needs of Merapi.
Sources: Kompas.Com
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